Saturday, January 29, 2011

How to get pregnant without pills and infertility treatment?

God has blessed woman with exceptional and extraordinary power- giving birth to a child. However, there are cases where a woman cannot conceive either due to personal health reasons or genetic problems.

If she thinks about improving her health, she can conceive naturally without taking drugs or going for any infertility treatments.
Brief periods of three to four days can help a woman become pregnant. This period is called ovulation. If a woman does intercourse with man immediately before, during or after ovulation, there are chances to become pregnant. This is however possible only if active and healthy sperms come in contact with the eggs. Thus, the first factor that plays a role in natural pregnancy is man-woman relationship during ovulation period.

There are some external reasons that can facilitate pregnancy. If she is on frequent intakes of caffeine then she should cut on it. Caffeine might increase infertility or chances of problematic pregnancy and even miscarriage.

Taking narcotics or alcohol reduces the chance of child-birth. Drugs like cocaine, marijuana can affect ovum. Having too much of alcohol can cause hormonal imbalances. Smoking has even more serious repercussions. Nicotine can lead to fall in formation of eggs. Also, regular use of tobacco can cause depletion of eggs altogether. It is important to remove these items from life to make way for a new unborn life.

Stress and tensions of modern life can be quite detrimental for a woman’s body. Disturbances in nervous system can make it difficult for woman to return to normal life. Meditation, yoga, swimming and jogging can generate energy and build stamina. These activities are very helpful in relaxing mind and muscles.

Obesity is another important reason for not conceiving as the natural and normal intake of food gets hampered due to excess intake of fats. Even an underweight woman will find it tough to become pregnant.

Healthy and nutritious diet is considered a key to pregnancy. A diet of fruits, green vegetable, dry fruits and cereals can do wonders if adopted seriously and honestly. Fruits have high fiber, protein and vitamin contents. Fruits like apple, grapes, pineapple, orange, strawberry and banana can help improve and maintain fluids in body. Cereals like oats and staple can improve levels of protein, carbohydrates and minerals. Dry fruits like almonds, cashew, apricot and walnut are strong in fats, vitamins and proteins. Green leafy vegetables like lettuce, spinach, coriander and kale increase vitamins and proteins in body. However, water is one of the essential requirements that keep the body healthy and fit for conceiving.

Pills and infertility treatments are significant where there are rare chances of pregnancy and happen to be the last resort to give birth. Changes in routine life that ensures complete elimination of bad habits, healthy intake of nutritious food and stress-free life with control on weight can improve the chances of conceiving.

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