Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Peak Hours

Peak hours are most talked about on the Monday mornings and Friday mornings. The metropolitans are the worst sufferers with hundreds of vehicles stranded on roads and highways. People are in hurry to reach their so-called official destinations for they have to start of the things after the Sunday hangover. The hangover is not necessarily because of alcohol or late nights, but, also due to the most awaited holiday--Sunday and the American styled weekends. The weekend that starts from Friday nights and ends every early Monday morning.

Man /Woman/Children are working like machines on week days. The schedule is so difficult and torturous sometimes, that it becomes essential to take a break to rejuvenate yourself from the monotony of life. Let's start with the kids. The children start living a routine 5-6 days life with growing compeititive studies and other activities. Their life is a vicious cycle of school/college followed by tutitions or otherwise sports. In fact, they have become too very matured in dealing with ups and downs of life. They have understood the meaning of life too early and too soon. Everything for them has changed and they have brought changes in their life seeing the environment, peers and the so called urbanisation. For them, the peak hours are early mornings, boarding their buses and starting with their study period. The school studies don't drench their thirst for more, thus they join the tuitions or others like sports, art to excel in the best. They do get winter or summer vacations but with loads of homework. Great!!!!!!!!!! No relief so soon untill you mature enough to join college. The 10th and 12th are deciding years of life but they are turned into monsters creating a fear and a challenge to face the neg's and the rest.

Let's talk about housewives. Their peak hours are infrequent and irregular.It can start at any moment for anybody. Do they really get time to sleep or relax? They work but don't get money. They suffer but don't get aid. They sleep, not with soundness. They cook, but don't get to eat enough. Can you imagine such a life? So, how can you think about their peak hours! Every hour is peak hour for them.

To be cont.....

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