Saturday, February 1, 2014

Change is UNAVOIDABLE - 3

30th January, 2014 marked the death anniversary of the Great Mahatma (Mahatma Gandhi). He had inspired thousands through speeches and discourse and his one-line speech that most aptly suits NOW happens to be “Be the change you wish to see in this world”.

These words inspired me to pen one more blog on “Change is Unavoidable”. Gandhi had, in fact, launched a huge movement, encouraged many with such words and brought millions of common Indians under one movement to fight for freedom; for a CHANGE. I can feel the change NOW but sometimes, it’s just indescribable. And then, the same question crops up. Why do I need to change and why I feel change is unavoidable?

Change, I believe, is an idea, a thought that might, perhaps take a virtual form. I think technology as a change has, in fact, immensely influenced everyone across the globe. Here, a small move becomes a massive movement and pulls in everyone. At one time, words were enough to indoctrinate someone but now virtual presence of this inanimate object is playing the role of thought-changing process. It is but obvious that everyone is heading on a path to find something new; desperate to carry out experiments; and consequently, want freedom where minds are not ruled by few but become a part of larger planet. And, that is what is CHANGE.

Re-emphasizing the same quote “Be the change….”; I think, the feel, the very presence of change is viral that initiates channels of distribution created with every move.

Thank You…